
WORLD ORDER    A group creating an unique genre of performing arts through its original musical and physical expression.


2009年に東京で結成されたダンスパフォーマンスユニット。「海外から見た勤勉な日本人ビジネスマン」のイメージをパロディにしたスーツコンセプトと、高い身体能力を活かした独創的なパフォーマンス、それにPOPかつセンシティブなダンスミュージックとを組み合わせ、唯一無二の世界観を構築。YouTubeを通じて世界中に膨大なファンを擁している。 結成10年目を迎えた2019年より新メンバー3名を加え、洗練度をさらに高めた7人編成のダンスパフォーマンスユニットとして新境地を目指している。

A dance performance group formed in 2009 in Tokyo. By combining the parodic style incorporating an image of “industrious Japanese business people” that people in other countries have, pop and sensitive dance music, and dance performances taking advantage of their excellent physical abilities, World Order has developed their one and only style. Their unique and unprecedented view of the world has gained widespread support in Asia, North and South America, and EU countries, with ardent fans. Genki Sudo, the ex-vocalist, has been focusing on the role as a producer since 2019. World Order is now aiming to break new ground with their further refined, seven-member dance performances.