

1978年3月8日生まれ B型
高校時代からレスリングを始め、全日本ジュニアオリンピックで優勝。世界ジュニア選手権日本代表。同校卒業後に渡米し、格闘家としての修行を続け、帰国後に逆輸入ファイターとしてプロデビュー。UFC-J 王者を経て、K-1 やUFCなどで活躍。2006年現役引退。以降は作家、タレント、俳優、ミュージシャン等幅広く活躍。2008年、母校拓殖大学レスリング部監督に就任。2年目で大会4冠を達成し、最優秀監督賞を5度受賞している。格闘技現役時代から掲げている「WE ARE ALL ONE」(すべてはひとつ)というメッセージは、多くの人々の支持と共感を集めている

March 8, 1978 / Blood type: B
Genki began his wrestling training in high school. Soon he distinguished himself, won the All Japan Junior Olympic Cup and became a Japan representative for the World Junior Championships. After graduation, he went to the United States and continued training himself as a martial artist.
On returning to Japan, he made his professional debut as a reverse-import fighter. With the title of JFC-J Champion as a start, he played an active part in the mixed martial arts field such as K-1, UFC, and so on. After his retirement in 2006, he has been working widely and vigorously as a writer, entertainer, actor, musician, etc.
In 2008, he accepted an appointment of manager for the wrestling club of Takushoku University and came back to his alma mater. He led the team to the quadruple crown winner of the championship series at his second year, received the prize for Best Manager five times. His message “WE ARE ALL ONE” since his fighting days keeps gaining great support and sympathy from various people in the world.